Monday, May 31, 2010

Texas Sky

We have seen some beautiful skys. This one is in Amarillo. It was followed by a wind storm and a quick drop in temperature.


Well, here we are in Texas. Bruce is enjoying the new friends he has made. The gentleman he is talking to has been at the same two KOAs as we have. Several of us are traveling the same route. Our RV park is in the middle of nowhere beside a cow pasture. Traffic so far has been light. Especially for a holiday weekend.
We have not hit any really bad weather. We are enjoying ourselves, "roadin' with the roadies".


Sunday, May 30, 2010

Old Mill in Little Rock

Believe it or not, that is not wood. It is concrete. The artist is a descendant of the Aztecs from Mexico. Bruce and I visited the Old Mill in Little Rock today and it was beautiful. Tomorrow we will jump back on Route 40 and continue Westward.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Rockin' in Little Rock

It was a long day on the road. But the scenery was pretty and we made a lot of stops. Our RV park has huge rigs and we are having fun just watching them come in. Tonight I made a big macaroni salad for us with tuna and eggs. Bruce will make breakfast for us in the morning because he knows if he doesn't, he'll starve.
We will stay at this KOA for a couple of nights and check out Little Rock tomorrow.

On The Road

Friday, May 28, 2010

Westward Ho!

This is where we are going. Bruce is pointing to the place on the map.
We took one more quick trip to Walmart today. Good old Walmart. The great American experience! I sent our itinerary to our children and tonight we will do all the last minute things. Canyonland here we come.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Final Rush

Ok, got the meds, finally. Washed all our clothes and packed up Arvie. Got all the food ready to load. Will do that tomorrow. We have yard men coming over tomorrow to mow and weed and Tony will come a couple more times while we are gone to do the yard again. Newspaper and mail are stopped. New alarms are installed. Tomorrow we finish packing Arvie and I give him a good cleaning inside. Last minute trips to Walmart continue. ie small bug spray we can carry, spray neosporin, new case for camera, etc.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Getting excited

Today we said goodbye to Shannen and Bill and Cutter and Roni. We won't see them again before we leave. Tomorrow we finish our trip itinerary and Thursday we finish last minute things to get Arvie ready then Friday we pack.

time getting close

leaving soon. reservations made. trip all mapped out. The only thing left to do is plan itinerary while in Utah. Then we pack up Arvie and we are off.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

preparing Gracie

Today I took Gracie to the vet to have her nails clipped. Gracie and I walked into the lobby and everyone yelled "Gracie's here! Get the muzzle." No joke. Dr. Mills came into the room with a little muzzle in his large hand. He tried one more time to make friends with Gracie. He sat on the floor and called her sweetly while Gracie growled and showed her teeth and shook so badly I thought she was going to faint. So, I had to place the muzzle on her and she was so scared she pooped right there on the floor. Poor little doggie. I wanted her nails clipped because she sits on my lap a lot while we are traveling and sometimes scratches me. I also had to get her perscriptions refilled.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


My new camera arrived in the mail today, so here is the pic I promised.
Arvie in all his glory. 31'long, one large slide-out, one bathroom including shower, one separate private bedroom plus two other turn down beds, full kitchen, dining area, living area, outdoor awning, storage basement etc. etc.
Arvie is in our driveway patiently waiting for us to ready him up for the drive.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Da Meds!

We have begun to plan our prescription renewals. We must contact our doctors and make sure we have enough meds to last the entire trip. This will take a few days because between the two of us we have a lot of perscriptions. That is how we stay healthy.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Start moving

This one may sound like overkill, but at the age of 65 it is very helpful. We are now walking more on the treadmill. We want to be able to take the hikes and sightseeing tours without huffing and puffing. We have decided to tell everyone we are 40 years old, so we better act it! (Kidding of course. It has been a long time since we could pass for 40.)

Stop the shopping

We have learned from past experiences that it is it is a good idea to limit our grocery shopping in the days and weeks before we leave on a trip. It is no fun to return home to a lot of spoiled food. So last night at Kroger we exercised restraint and only purchased necessities. Well, that and a few little candy bars from the 10 for 10 bin. We are also beginning to keep our eye out for foods to take with us. So we bought some canned fruit that was on sale and some bottled salad dressings.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Maintaining Arvee

Fixing the sink took longer than anticipated. Bruce says that if it leaks now, he is going to just put a bucket under it.
Someone mentioned to us that we should check out Lake Powell while in Utah. So we will. And we will try to rent a boat. We are open to all suggestions.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 5, 2010

Bruce is having a little trouble finding a part he needs to fix Arvie's kitchen sink. In the mean time, we have purchased several audio books and movie DVDs. We really enjoy listening to our books while we travel.
A couple of weeks ago, we sent Arvie to the RV doctor for his check up. He got a new cover for his slide out and a tune up. All in all, he is in pretty good health.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May 1, 2010

Bruce backed Arvie into the driveway today. Then he began to check it out and found two leaks, one in the kitchen and one in the bathroom. He thinks he can fix them.
Hope so. We'll see tomorrow.