Saturday, June 19, 2010


Sweet Georgia. Home again. Till the next time.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Some troubles

We are on our way home. Staying in Clinton OK tonight. Today on the road our slide almost got loose. The wind is horrific. All the jostling unhooked the inside straps and I looked over and saw the couch leaning backward and off the floor in the front. Bruce looked in the rear view mirror and said "oh, oh." The slide our was coming out. Well, a quick stop at Home Depot and a little screw and a little labor by 'the man' and all is well.
Other than that, our trip has been very easy with not weather problems.

Lake Powell

These pics of Lake Powell speak for themselves. The middle one is Navaho Canyon inlet. Look at the designs in the huge rocks.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Monument Valley, Lake Powell

I could never capture the beauty of Monument Valley or of Lake Powell. I will store in my memory the sites. The people in this area of the country are the friendliest I have ever met, and I've met some. They always have a smile for us and are always eager to please. Tomorrow we will go on a boat ride through some of the canyons.

Sunday Mass

Today we went to mass at Our Lady of Immaculate Conception in Page Arizona. The church was small and friendly and warm. The deacon had long gray hair and a long gray beard. So typical of these locals. The priest was very pious I could tell. Sitting next to me was an old native american woman who depended on me to show her where we were in the mass. When they passed the collection basket, she placed in a clear sandwich bag full of pennies.
I loved this church and its people.

Monument Valley, Lake Powell

Monument Valley is wonderful. Cannot capture its beauty on camera. Likewise for Lake Powell. The pictures give you a taste of what we have seen but do not tell the story.